Friday, May 20, 2011

The Positive Beauty Campaign

         The ability to make ourselves look and feel attractive is one of the joys of womanhood. But it can also feel like a pressure. This month, along with 10 international editions across the world, we launch the Positive Beauty Manifesto, a statement of 10 things we believe about beauty that will help us all build a better, more loving relationship with ourselves.

1. Beauty is the celebration of what is unique about each one of us

2. Taking the time to care for ourselves boosts our self-confidence

3. Beauty and femininity are complex, and should not follow a simplistic set of rules or universal conventions

4. Beauty should celebrate intelligent, individual and confident role models

5. Being bombarded by unattainably perfect beauty ideals can damage that confidence

6. True beauty radiates who we truly are, including all our imperfections

7. Feeling beautiful is more important than looking beautiful

8. A woman can play with her image, make-up and clothes without being superficial

9. Neither neglecting your appearance nor obsessing about it are healthy signs for 

10. We can be beautiful without being young, overtly sexy or thin

It is a campaign sustained by toghether with over 50 leading women in beauty, film, the arts, TV and politics.

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